Whatever you ride, ride it better
Look out for Motorcyclists
Lane filtering
Motorcycle Lane Filtering in Utah
Be Kind
For more information on licensing, lane filtering, riding classes, etc.
go to
See how drivers and riders can work together on our roads
Tips for motorists
31% of drivers who hit motorcycles were turning
Look twice for motorcycles
- Motorcycles are smaller and more difficult to see, especially in your blind spot
- Motorcycles may appear to be farther away than they actually are
- Motorcycle speed may be difficult to judge
Drive distraction free
Give riders lots of space
- Riders often slow down by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle
- Give motorcycles more space than a regular vehicle
Obey All Traffic laws
- Stay alert on the road and slow down around motorcycles
- Follow all traffic lights, signals and signs and avoid aggressive or drowsy driving
Tips for riders

Use Both Brakes
Motorcyclists typically use their front brakes when stopping, but the rear brake can provide 5-10% more stopping power that could save a life
Gear up for every ride

Whenever possible, use approved DOT/SNELL gear, including helmets, shatter resistant eye protection, jackets, boots and gloves
Alert: New motorcycle helmet law mandates that everyone under 21 wear a helmet
Maintain a safe lane
- Position yourself properly within a lane to help you see and avoid hazards
- Maintain a space cushion between yourself and other road users
Slow down, enjoy the ride
- Nearly half of all fatal crashes occur in crashes over 50 mph
- Even when no cars are around, ride safe - over 40% of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve no other motor vehicles
Use brights during daytime and flash brights through intersections
Be seen both day & night