Teen Memoriam Stories

Category: Not Buckling Up

Peyton Kimber

On October 10, 2020, our world would be forever changed in the most devastating way imaginable. Peyton was born on August 10, 2003. He was

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teen memoriam karen

Karen Hopkins

It was May 13, 2007 and the day started out by Karen calling me and waking me up to say, “Happy Mother’s Day.” I got ready and

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Sydney Naylor

May 31, 2016, was the last day of school and the Tooele High School Softball Banquet and Award Ceremony. Sydney loved softball and the softball

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Michael LeFevre

When your child isn’t home by curfew many thoughts go through your mind, especially if they’ve never been late before. This was the case for

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Jose Ceballos

Jose loved life. He was proud of who he was, his roots and his family. He was a respectful and loving son, and he enjoyed

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