Teen Memoriam Stories

Category: Pedestrian Safety

Edwin Cardoso

“My Xavi,” as I liked to call to my son, was wanted even before he was born.  Edwin was the younger of two children. His

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Collin James Worland

“Because I’m awesome—” words we will never again hear our precious Collin say—now engraved upon a headstone. Before, we’d laugh at his humor and unwavering

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Mason Brown

My son Mason’s last conscious moments were spent doing what he loved! Being with his friends, laughing, joking, acting goofy, being a teenage boy­. Then,

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hannah teen memoriam 2008

Hannah Wagstaff

This photo was taken about 12 hours before Hanna’s death on August 12, 2008. Our family was camped for the evening in preparation for a

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Zachery Lindley

The excitement our entire family felt when we were told we were having twins was something only parents of multiple births can understand. We talked about

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Tyson Peterson

Tyson was a 17-year-old who had just barely graduated from Landmark High School. He got all his credits done so he could graduate early and

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