Tyler Jason Stuart
Tyler Jason Stuart was born on Sunday, October 13, 1996. From the moment he was born, everyone always said that there was just something about
Tyler Jason Stuart was born on Sunday, October 13, 1996. From the moment he was born, everyone always said that there was just something about
Maria Fernanda or “Fer” is what we always called her. She was born on May 24, 1994. The day she was born was one of
Amanda was 16 years old and had just completed her junior year at Box Elder High School in Brigham City, Utah. Amanda was an amazing
What do you do when life as you know it ends? When my baby was hit by a car, and then died, my life ceased
Kit was born on February 12, 1998. He was the youngest child in a family of seven children. Shortly after he was born his parents
Claire, The birth of you and your twin sister was the greatest moment of our lives. For seven years we prayed for your arrival. We
Taylor “Tayla” Marie was an outgoing 17-year-old. On May 13, 2013, Tayla and her boyfriend made plans to meet for a late movie to discuss
Nathan (Nate) was the third of four children and brought the laughter to our family. He had a funny and joking personality, yet was kind
Francine (or “Cine” as we called her) was a very loving daughter, sister, mother and girlfriend. Cine was the oldest of five kids, with two
Driving a car is a responsibility, not a luxury. You are wrapped in 3000+ pounds of glass and metal that can kill someone if you