Teen Memoriam Stories

Calvin Hansen

The rest of the family was fine but Calvin wasn’t wearing his seat belt. He was ejected from the car and died immediately. He would still be with us if he had been wearing his seat belt.

calvin hansen teen memoriam 2008

Calvin was supposed to be born in January, but he couldn’t wait to come into the world and was born just before Christmas. He was our Christmas present that year, and he was the best present ever. Ever since that early entrance, he has always been eager to do things first. He loved being first when most of us would rather hang back and let someone else be first. He has always been so much fun. He was a friend to so many people and he didn’t even realize it. He had a way with people – he could talk to grownups and entertain toddlers or babies while texting his friends all at once. He was our firstborn and he was such a wonderful example to his younger brothers. They looked up to him and he protected them.

We were all headed to Las Vegas to visit Grandma and Grandpa when we were involved in our car crash. The rest of the family was fine but Calvin wasn’t wearing his seat belt. He was ejected from the car and died immediately. He would still be with us if he had been wearing his seat belt.

Calvin was in 8th grade. He did pretty well in school, but seemed to really love Spanish and was doing quite well learning the language. He had a plan for his schooling. He wanted to go to college and, after he graduated with his bachelor’s degree, he wanted to continue on with either a Nurse Practitioner or Physicians Assistant degree. He had looked into the field, done some job shadowing, and was seriously planning on this for his life.

Calvin was so full of life. He always had a smile on his face. He had an infectious happy spirit and was kind to everyone. That is one of the recurring themes in the notes from his friends. He was always active and full of life. He never seemed to slow down for anything. He enjoyed playing sports, hunting, camping, Scouts, rock climbing, running around with his friends and especially eating nonstop. He was also always volunteering to help others. He loved to help others; it was part of what everyone loved about him.

Calvin will be sorely missed but his memories will bring smiles and laughter forever. We will always remember his adventurous and sensitive spirit.

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