Teen Memoriam Stories

Tyler Jason Stuart

“Tyler had been taught to always wear his seat belt. He thought he was indestructible. He wasn’t.”

Tyler Jason Stuart was born on Sunday, October 13, 1996. From the moment he was born, everyone always said that there was just something about him. He loved everyone, whether they were two or 107. He could strike up a conversation with anyone and quickly become their friend. He always had stories to tell and wounds to report. He loved adventure. There was never a dull moment in his 16 years. He loved to motocross, BMX, scuba dive with sharks, snowboard, wake board, ride horses with his father, play with his dogs, have bonfires with friends, eat sushi with his aunt, camp with his grandfather, have midnight pancakes with his grandmother and travel the world with his mother and brother. He was truly loved by everyone who knew him. Tyler had beautiful blue eyes and the most contagious smile. He wanted to join the Marine Corps, like his older brother, and was looking forward to a bright future.

On June 28, 2013, Tyler was an unrestrained passenger involved in a single vehicle rollover. Tyler and the other passenger (Amanda Brown) were ejected. Tyler was killed instantly, due to severe head trauma. It was the worst day of our lives. Tyler had been taught to always wear his seat belt. He thought he was indestructible. He wasn’t.

We cannot begin to describe the pain that we feel every minute of every day. We miss him more than words can say. Our hearts have been broken into pieces. Every happy event in our lives will be bittersweet because he will not be there to share in those special moments. Even every normal day is full of sadness and painful reminders that he is gone.

Our family is forever changed, and we will never be the same. There will always be a huge void in our hearts. We plead with anyone who gets in a car to always, always wear their seat belt. We don’t want anyone to have to go through what we have had to go through.

The family of Tyler Stuart

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