Addie George Oldham

If she had been wearing her seat belt, she might still be here.

On September 25, 2023, our lives forever changed. Addie was driving a Razor XP 1000 on a county road. The road was straight; there is no known reason why she abruptly left it. Her Razor cartwheeled two and a half times. I arrived on the scene about five minutes later. I ran up and saw my beautiful daughter laying there lifeless. I cannot tell you in words what a horrible feeling it is to know there is nothing you can do to save your child. Addie died instantly with severe head injuries and a broken neck. Watching my daughter leave the scene in an ambulance with no lights and sirens was devastating.

If she had been wearing her seat belt, she might still be here.

Addie loved hanging out with her older sisters. She liked riding her horse with her dad and her sister, Arlie. She liked playing her Xbox, and she loved riding motorcycles with all her sisters: Abby, Arlie, and Albie (she started riding a dirt bike with training wheels when she was three years old). The day before Addie’s accident, she was at her sister’s gender reveal party. She was so excited she was going to be an aunt.

Addie was a good friend and a very loving sister. She brought so much joy to our family. Everything is different since the loss of her. It has had a great impact on all our lives. We all love and miss her so much. She will always be “Our Sunshine.”

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