Karlee was born November 26, 1991. She was the oldest of four girls. She was one of the most compassionate and yet stubborn people ever. Karlee loved to live life to the fullest. She was afraid of nothing and would try everything at least once. She loved her sisters, poetry, drawing, dancing, gymnastics, and music. Karlee was easy to get along with and made friends everywhere she went because of her outgoing personality. She wasn’t shy at all.
Karlee graduated in May of 2010. She had just met her new boyfriend, Timothy (T.J.), in May after graduating. She had just enrolled in Prime Cut Academy, which would have started in August 2010. Karlee and T.J. lived three hours apart, so they didn’t see each other much. They planned a weekend camping trip together with a bunch of friends to have a good time before college began. She never came home from that camping trip because of a car crash in Ogden Canyon that killed her, T.J., and three others.
Karlee has left us with a hole in our hearts. We no longer hear her unforgettable laugh and humor; we only have memories that make us laugh and cry. Losing her changed our lives forever. Not a second goes by that we don’t think of her and wonder what could have been. No more hugs and kisses or smiles, just an empty spot where she should be.
Five friends died in this crash.