Teen Memoriam Stories

Keaton Smith

The terms “#clickitforkeat” and “#carelikekeat” have become part of our lives... We hope that others will incorporate these hashtags which may in turn save lives.

Keaton was one of the most loving Teenagers. He Loved life. He loved Music and he loved to share it with his family and friends. Whenever he heard a new favorite song, he sang it with his whole heart! He loved to sing and dance especially around his family.

Keaton’s passion was football, and everyone knew it. There were many times that he would say “I love football more than anything on this earth! Thanks for letting me play!” He had a great relationship with all his coaches. He loved his teammates, he was kind to everyone around him and he always wanted to help. After his tragic death, we heard many stories of his kindness. There were many people who were at his viewing just so they could tell us of his influence on them. Keaton was not a perfect child and he had his own personal battles, but he pushed through the hard times and became a better person.

On November 18th, 2017 life changed forever. The morning of Keaton’s accident was like most Saturday mornings in our home. Keaton sat with his siblings while they ate breakfast and watched cartoons. The Sadie Hawkins dance was that night and he couldn’t wait. He talked about what he and his friends would be doing for their day date. He was excited for them to pick him up.  They had plans to go to the Space Center in Pleasant Grove. The group came and left for a fun morning. As they finished up their space adventure, Keaton and his date along with another couple loaded into the car. As they headed home a car turned in front of them. The friend driving the car did everything they could to avoid hitting the other car, but it was too late. The car was hit, and it rolled, which ejected Keaton and another friend. Keaton hit the pavement headfirst and his friend landed in the yard. With all the excitement of the date, Keaton and his friend had failed to buckle up. The two left in the car were wearing seat belts. We are grateful for the quick response of the Pleasant Grove Fire Dept and EMT, as well as those who helped comfort Keaton and the others. Keaton was rushed to Utah Valley Hospital where they stabilized him and rushed him into surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. As news of the crash spread, family and friends hurried to the hospital. The surgery lasted over 4 hours. Then the waiting began. The doctors ran tests and surgeries in hopes that things would improve. As we watched him lay in that bed on Life Support, our hearts broke. His condition worsened, and the doctors informed us that his brain had sustained too many injuries. The decision was then made to Withdraw Care. No Parents should ever have to make this decision for their child. There are no words to describe that day. In the early afternoon on November 24th, 2017 as we sat by his side, we watched our son and brother take his last breath.

Keaton’s death has affected us in many ways.  The terms “#clickitforkeat” and “#carelikekeat” have become part of our lives. These reminders have taught us to always wear our seat belts and be kind. We hope that others will incorporate these hashtags which may in turn save lives. We miss Keaton every day. This experience has changed our family forever. We hope our story has touched you as you make the decision to always wear your seatbelt. #clickitforkeat #carelikekeat

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