Teen Memoriam Stories

Jesse Jessen

Someone just pulled into the driveway. I was sure it was Jesse. I was ready to cuss at him for being so late and making

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Payton Caldwell

Payton always excelled in everything she did! She was a CNA working on her medical assistance license, named regional academic all-state and loved sports, including

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isaac teen memoriam 2008

Isaac Martinez

On September 4, 2008 at about 11:00 p.m., our son Isaac, his grandparents, his three-year-old cousin, and I were leaving the Utah State Fair. Our

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chandler roman teen injuries

Chandler Roman

I got the call about my precious boy while I was with my mother, sisters, and 4 of my nieces in Mexico on a vacation that we

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Donald Callison

On March 11, 2010, my son Donald drove up to the Salt Lake area for a manager’s training class for his work in Richfield. He had

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