Teen Memoriam Stories

Karlee Jack

Karlee was born November 26, 1991. She was the oldest of four girls. She was one of the most compassionate and yet stubborn people ever.

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andrea teen memoriam

Andrea Bellman

Andrea was helping her aunt with driving to California. They made it there safely but it was when they were coming home that was the

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Jesse Jessen

Someone just pulled into the driveway. I was sure it was Jesse. I was ready to cuss at him for being so late and making

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Manuel Gutierrez

Manuel Gutierrez was born in California on August 30, 1990 and died in Utah on August 30, 2009. His death occurred in Spanish Fork Canyon.

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Mason Brown

My son Mason’s last conscious moments were spent doing what he loved! Being with his friends, laughing, joking, acting goofy, being a teenage boy­. Then,

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